why Panerai watch so hot?

As a fashion influx of people, do you notice Panerai this brand from Italy fake rolex watches. You can see the shadow of the past two years. As the darling of the influx of fashion, can be described as dominate. Italian descent of the uk replica watches into the Chinese market is not long, the first Chinese shop in 2002 before opening in Hong Kong, but also a few years later to enter the mainland market, but in a short time with numerous fans and enthusiasts. It is almost popular in recent years, "big watch" of the initiator. But also to many girls from elegant petite to large and stylish. Panerai Panerai swiss replica watches why so fire? List of appreciation of the first one As you a fashion trend of the brand, Panerai courage to innovation. In my personal view Panerai's success stems from three factors. The first does not follow the crowd Bold use of a large dial, designed to enhance the watch luminous effect. So that the watch in dark conditions under the magnificent luminous. Unique design of the ear, creating a precedent for waterproof watch. Panerai Panerai watch why so fire? List of appreciation of the first two The second tightly grasp the fashion trend of the wind Panerai's unique design believe that many of the first contact with friends will be impressed, many of my friends will ask me that is a big case that the watch is what brand. This is also the success of the Panerai Road, so you at first glance to give a deep impression on everyone's heart has a wild that is different Why should the same as that? Panerai Panerai watch why so fire? List of appreciation of the first three The third is the publicity and reputation of goods Table altar generation master bell Yonglin ten years of hard work for the Panerai Banner, in the Panerai Sea has just entered the Chinese market when its more in their own magazine "watch forum" published more than one article, not stingy named Favorite meaning. Today, Panerai through the film sponsorship, such as death squads 2 Stallone wearing bronze 382 can be described as all the rage. Panerai Panerai watch why so fire? List of appreciation of the first four Panerai Panerai watch why so fire? List of appreciation of the first five Is the so-called hero, Panerai's success is not just because of these. But the success of each brand must have its unique charm. Panerai's success is not necessarily able to copy, but must let future generations learn from. Having finished the history of Panerai growth, see the following watch fans to provide Panerai Mito, like to be able to exchange models with the movement, Xiaobian will know all the words.